Institutional Governance in Audit Courts: An Analysis of the Governance System of the Audit Court of the State of Ceará
Public Governance, State Audit Court of Ceará, Federal Audit CourtAbstract
Objective of the study - The objective of this study is to identify the good Governance practices contemplated in the "Basic Reference of Organizational Governance (RBG) of the TCU" present in the normative scope of the Audit Court of the State of Ceará (TCE-CE).
Methodology - In methodological terms, the research had a documental character, using as a research base the Basic Organizational Governance Reference (RBG) of the TCU and the public governance policy of the Audit Court of the State of Ceará (TEC-CE).
Originality/Relevance - the public governance practices designed by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) designate the application of leadership, strategy and control practices in order to increase the chances of delivering good results to citizens, in terms of services and public policies (TCU, 2020). Thus, the TCE-CE developed governance mechanisms and practices in order to improve the improvement of its services to the citizens of Ceará.
Main Results - it can be seen that the TCE-CE has, at least, some adherence to ten of a total of twelve practices, that is, in 83.3% of the practices designated by the TCU's Basic Reference Framework. It is worth pointing out that of these ten practices, five had total adherence by the TCE-CE, and another five had partial adherence. In short, all practices of the leadership and strategy mechanisms correspond to TCE Ceará regulations, especially Administrative Resolution No. 04/2019, which brings the governance model of TCE Ceará and includes most of the practices recommended by the TCU. The practice of assessing stakeholder satisfaction, which is part of the control mechanism, was not found any mention, or corresponding element in the regulations, and in the TCE-CE governance model.
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