Corporate Governance, Social Organizations, Instituto de Desenvolvimento e GestãoAbstract
This article approaches the model of Social Organizations (OSs) introduced by the so-called managerial reform of 1995, revealing its importance in the scenario of Brazilian public management. The objective of the research is to analyze, in a case study, components of the governance and management system of a non-profit organization, responsible for the management of cultural institutions in Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro, the Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão (IDG), which maintains management contracts with the public administration. It proposes the study of the governance of OSs as a contribution to understanding the phenomena that inhabit the Third Sector and its relationship with the State. Through a survey carried out in all states of the federation, it verifies, along with some examples applied to the Institute, that, despite the attempt to establish governance standards, there are important variations in the practices adopted. It highlights aspects of IDG's governance and management contained in the respective Bylaws in force in 2015, and analyzes the information extracted in the light of good corporate governance practices. It emphasizes that the results of the study give rise to the need for further investigations on the subject, based on the current reality of the organization, but also on others, and in the perspective of new experiences and guidelines, notably regarding the model in evidence.
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