


: Integrity Programs. Culture of Integrity. Compliance. Corruption. City Halls.


The article involves a qualitative research on the adoption of integrity programs in Brazilian municipalities and the difficulties faced in their implementation. At least one city hall from each region of the country, with different numbers of inhabitants and annual budgets, participated in the research and the answers to the structured questionnaires allowed identifying weaknesses and good practices from North to South. Whether due to the inexistence of an instance responsible for the program's actions, the lack of dissemination of knowledge about compliance and integrity, limited staff, low compliance with the Data Protection Law (LGPD) or difficulties in adapting to the new Bidding Law, the problems that were identified are common in the context of low maturity in Governance, Risks and Compliance (GRC) in Brazilian government organizations. However, considering that 90% of city halls do not have integrity programs, according to the diagnosis of the National Council for Internal Control (CONACI), it is positive to note that the theme is advancing in large, medium and small cities. On the other hand, building a culture of integrity is greater than the formal aspects of the program, requiring a change in mentality and, consequently, in behavior. The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda can be an important ally in this process of involving stakeholders and creating value in municipal public administrations. Inserting aspects related to sustainability, social responsibility, leadership, strategy and control is essential for strengthening the integrity and effectiveness of public policies and improving the quality of life of citizens.

Keywords: Integrity Programs. Culture of Integrity. Compliance. Corruption. City Halls.

Author Biographies

Danila Resende Duarte Marvão, Rede Governança Brasil (RGB), Brasilía

Master's student in Public Policy Management has a degree in accounting sciences with a postgraduate degree in auditing and controllership. Coordinator of the Compliance Women Committee in Tocantins and the Compliance Committee of Rede Governança Brasil. He has certifications in Anti-Corruption Compliance and Public Compliance. Acted as a mentor for implementing integrity programs for city halls. Author of the books: Practical Guide for the Compliance Consultant and the book Mulheres no Controle e Mulheres na Governança. She was one of the authors of the Booklet for Structuring Integrity Programs for RGB City Halls. Professor of postgraduate courses in Compliance disciplines.

Fagner Marcelo Santos Becker, Rede Governança Brasil (RGB), Brasilia

He has a degree in Public Management with a postgraduate degree in Governance, Governance and Accountability and a Law degree. Mentor of city halls in the Mentoring Program for City Halls of Rede Governança Brasil - RGB. Director of Governance, Compliance, Sustainability and Innovation at the Consciousness Science Institute - ICEV. He was President of the Latin American Institute of Governance and Public Compliance - IGCP for two years. Special Advisor at the Executive Secretariat for Governance and Compliance of the Federal District - DF. Director of the Internal Governance Committees at the DF General Comptroller's Office, Meritorious Associate of Rede Governança Brasil, Commercial Manager at SKY Serviços do Brasil and Manager of the credit area at QI - Schools and Colleges. Co-author of the RGB Municipal Governance Booklet, Co-author of the RGB Code of Good Governance Practices, Co-Author of the Booklet on LGPD for RGB Municipalities.

Bruno Galvão Ferola, Rede Governança Brasil (RGB), Brasilia

Partner at P&B Compliance, lawyer, Master in Public Law and Postgraduate in Compliance, both from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV/SP.
He worked in relevant companies such as Banco do Brasil, Pinheiro Neto, Ambev, Telefônica and PwC. He was Vice-President of ANACO - National Compliance Association and member of the Ethics Council of ALAGOV-DF.
He is Member and Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption Committee of Rede Governança Brasil, member of IBRADEMP and the Compliance Committee of OAB – /SP.
Member of the LEC-SP Corporate Governance Committee.
Volunteer for the Constitution in Schools Project and guest professor at educational institutions such as PUCCAMP- SP and UCS-RS

Jeniffer de Aguilar Rodrigues, Rede de Governança Brasil (RGB), Brasilia

Attorney. Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Postgraduate in Public Law from Faculdades Arnaldo and Legale. Legal Advisor at the Regional Dentistry Council of Minas Gerais. Certified in Public Compliance by the Center for Studies in Law and Business (CEDIN) and Member of the Anti-Corruption and Compliance Committee of the Brazilian Governance Network (RGB). Co-author of the Booklet for Structuring Integrity Programs for City Halls - RGB.

Rodrigo Morais de Amorim, Rede Governança Brasil (RGB), Brasilia

Internal Auditor at the General Comptroller of the State of Mato Grosso since 2017, with experience in holding public agents and legal entities accountable, compliance, integrity, leniency agreements and corporate governance. Graduated in Law and Journalism (UFMT), he is a specialist in Prevention and Repression of Corruption (Ácio) and Applied Constitutional Law (Damásio). Has international certification as Lead Auditor ISO 37001:2016 - Anti-Bribery Management Systems (Global Exemplar). Member of the Anti-Corruption and Compliance Committee of Rede Governança Brasil (RGB), being one of the authors of the Booklet for Structuring Integrity Programs for City Halls - RGB. He is a member of the Scientific Editorial Board of the Revista Latino-Americana de Governança.


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How to Cite

Marvão, D. R. D. ., Becker, F. M. S. ., Ferola, B. G. ., Rodrigues, J. de A. ., & Morais de Amorim, R. . (2024). INTEGRITY PROGRAMS: A LOOK AT THE REGIONAL CHALLENGES OF BRAZILIAN MUNICIPALITIES. Journal of Corporate Governance, 11(00), e0152.


